If you’ve been approved for Medi-Cal and are ready to choose a managed health plan, we have provided below Medi-Cal Managed care plan options to
Category: How Medi-Cal Works

We know readers have various questions regarding the Medi-Cal. We decided to set up this California Medi-Cal FAQs page to address the most common questions

One of the most often asked questions about Medi-Cal benefits is this: What is covered by Medi-Cal? Also, What does full coverage Medi-Cal cover? Does

Within the Medi-Cal managed care program, California currently uses a variety of different models to deliver care. In this post, we will review the Six

Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program. California Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost medical services for children and adults with limited income. In this post, we are